How Can Outbound Testing Pay for Itself

by | Mar 6, 2025 | 0 comments

Outbound Testing isn’t just an investment; it’s a catalyst for growth and excellence. Being a successful Voice or SMS provider doesn’t require rocket science but it does require a commitment to quality. Here’s how you can recoup the investment and let Outbound Testing pay for itself, and more:
1. Stay in Routing

Quality and reliability are what your customers value most in a Voice or SMS provider, followed closely by price. While a cost-effective route is attractive, it won’t matter if the call quality or route stability are poor. Outbound Testing allows you to proactively monitor and test routes, ensuring issues are identified and resolutions implemented before customers even notice them. The best suppliers are those that never cause a customer a problem. By proactively monitoring and being alerted to issues, you are able to retain your position as a trusted supplier to your customers and stay in routing.
2. Grow Your Customer Traffic

Growing traffic from an existing customer can be obtained from either; your Customers increasing the volume of traffic you receive on the current routes or destinations you provide them (place you higher in the priority), or winning new destinations. Outbound Testing helps you demonstrate excellence through tailored and customizable performance reports, giving your customers increased confidence and insight into your routes. When you can demonstrate consistent high quality routes, supported by data personalized to your customers KPI’s, your customers are way more likely to try you on additional routes and, or increase your traffic volumes.
3. Win New Customers

A solid reputation and demonstratable performance reports can be a game-changer in winning new business. Prospective customers want a provider they can rely on, and Outbound Testing allows you to showcase reliable performance data that builds trust. Word spreads quickly in the industry, and a strong reputation supported by empirical evidence can be your best marketing tool.  If prospective Customers know that you use Outbound Testing to test and monitor your routes, that will give them confidence that you are a supplier that can be trusted to deliver excellence. Let your prospective Customers know that you monitor your routes and traffic and that their satisfaction is key to your operation.  The odds are on that your Customers are testing and monitoring you.  If your competitors are Testing and Monitoring their routes, and you are not, who will your Customers choose to put their traffic with?
4. Manage YOUR Suppliers

When your suppliers underperform, it’s your reputation, your revenue, your staff’s time and your future growth on the line. Outbound Testing lets you monitor supplier routes in real time, ensuring you’re alerted to any issues immediately. This proactive approach allows you to shift traffic to secondary suppliers if issues arise, so your customers never notice a dip in quality that would normally result in a reduction in traffic volumes/priority or removal from routing altogether.
5. Protect Your Price Point and Margins

With Outbound Testing, you gain insightful data enabling your to negotiate better rates with your suppliers and justify your price point with your customers. Accurate performance data allows you to show customers and suppliers the real value of your routes. When you can demonstrate quality and efficiency, defending your price point becomes a lot easier.
6. Reduce or Eliminate Fraud

Fraud can impact your bottom line and reputation significantly. Outbound Testing helps you catch suspicious activity early, minimizing potential losses and disputes. A proactive stance on fraud prevention safeguards both you and your customers.
7. Maintain and Bolster Your Brand Reputation

By consistently delivering quality service, you protect your brand and bolster your reputation. Outbound Testing empowers your team to maintain operational excellence, ensuring customers and suppliers alike know they’re dealing with a reliable partner that values route performance and quality.
8. Increase Staff Efficiency

Automating testing, monitoring, alerting, and reporting empowers your team to focus on higher-priority tasks. Outbound Testing provides critical insights at the right time, helping your staff resolve issues before they escalate and allowing them to manage more customers and suppliers effectively.

Final Thoughts

Establishing trust and a great reputation with your customers takes time, and it can be lost in moments. Remember:

    • Your competitors are testing.
    • Your customers are testing.
    • Can you afford not to?

Empower your team and protect your brand by staying ahead of identifiable and manageable issues. Outbound Testing not only mitigates these risks but, when it prevents just one issue, it more than pays for itself:

    • Preventing route downtime.
    • Retaining customer traffic.
    • Enabling and Enhancing growth opportunities.
    • Reducing fraud exposure.
    • Empowering your existing team to manage more with less.

Outbound Testing is more than a tool; it’s your competitive edge.

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