Cost-Effective Cloud Migration Testing Technology


by | Jun 29, 2021

The decision to switch your call center technology to the cloud won’t be one you’ll take lightly. You’ll have weighed up the numerous benefits, from massively improved functionality to reliability and accessibility, with everything geared to enabling your employees to offer the very best customer experience.

A critical element of that planning will be comprehensive validation testing throughout the migration process.

A mistake that many make is to think of validation as an extra cost – perhaps an optional extra that you can do without. Not so. Consider this – it can take as few as 10 customers to leave a call center for the impact of poor migration to outweigh the cost of migration validation testing.

Quickly test and identify the potential issues 

With Occam’s Experience Testing System (ETS), you can confidently test the entire CX infrastructure throughout the entire migration process – not just at its conclusion.

Functionality and load testing will enable you to ensure that everything is operating as it should be – to the previously agreed specification.

One of the great benefits of our ETS is the way that it replicates outside calls coming into the contact center. Whatever platform it’s dialling into, ETS is completely programme agnostic.

The tests executed are our own calls being placed into the system, which means we’re not using any of the call center customer records or data, making the system 100% security compliant.

Choosing a migration partner

Migrating to a new contact centre can be daunting and potentially time-consuming. That’s why we’ve created our migration assurance options to ease the transition to the cloud.

Whether you’re using our IVR discovery and importing tools or our performance assurance services, our Experience Testing System (ETS) will ensure that your project remains on time and within budget.

You’ll enjoy the benefits of the following features: 

  • AI guided IVR discovery and mapping
  • Visibility and AI-driven validation of entire CX operations from your customer’s perspective 
  • IVR import 
  • Auto creation of test scripts 
  • Unlimited functional testing & monitoring

How ETS works

We begin by baselining your contact center’s current environment. This allows you to measure current operations to demonstrate areas of improvement during migration. 
Once imported, our Experience Testing System automatically creates tests based on the original on-premise configuration or, if updated, of the new cloud deployment. You’ll then be able to evaluate, optimise and improve your IVR design. 

With fully editable test scripts in place, you can continually test your systems from the perspective of the customer throughout the migration process. Once development and functionality testing have been completed, our verification service mimics high volume customer interactions and interrogates every aspect of the customer experience.

Any issues will be flagged, allowing you to resolve them before they create a negative impact, ensuring system stability and that the desired customer experience is consistently delivered.

Cloud migration validation testing – bringing long-term savings

Our service demonstrates time and again its ability to provide such a swift and effective testing system.

  • The ETS Discovery tool reduces average deployment times by 3 months, thus releasing cloud advantages and savings sooner.
  • To exceed the cost of our service, on average fewer than 10 customers would need to be adversely affected by a defect.
  • We offer the fastest route to deployment in the market whilst offering a significant ROI against other validation platforms.

Find out more for yourself about the benefits of the Occam ETS. We are a Genesys Appfoundry partner as well as compatible with all major vendors. Book a demo call today.

Read more on the related topic of IVR Optimisation Services on its dedicated post. 

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